L’Internet Connection Manager
All in one to be connected on board.

BCM® is an internet connections manager available in two different operating modes: Light Version and AC Portal.

Using the Light Version mode you can easily take control of your WAN connections as well as efficiently managing your LAN traffic and you can decide which data service to use.

The AC Portal version is what makes this product unique amongst those currently available on the market. In just 3 easy steps BCM® allows the customer to create User Accounts, to select the connections available for each account, to set possible limits to time or maximum dedicated traffic, to limit access to email display only, to surf the web, to navigate exclusively text linked or to enable or limit use to download information and stream media.

BCM® uses graphics to display each time a user accesses the internet on the gateway under examination, providing for automatic disconnection from too expensive carriers when there are no users connected. The control panel is accessible through the browser with an administrator account. VPN accounts can be enabled for networks connected to BCM to operate, for example, remote assistance. BCM has an intelligent and dynamic firewall that can block specific content; in this way the system administrator is able to allow or deny the access to certain users for the navigation of some data.

BCM – system specifications

– User account management

– Users GROUPS management

– Super User Account management with hardware recognition*

– User QOS management

– User time quota

– User download data Quote

– User dedicated gateway

– Connection graphs for each User

– Dynamic Intelligent Firewall

– Navigation Data Filter

– Hardware Dedicated account

Browser administration

– DHCP Server

– VPN accesses for remote maintenance

– Custom graphics User access page

– Printable Resumés
